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Our Community

At the foundation of our values are caring for others and tikkun olam, repairing our world. We volunteer, we show up, we support each other, we connect, and we offer support. We strive to make our world a better place for those in need, ourselves, our families, and our future.

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Lunch Club

Lunch Club meets on the last Tuesday of every month. A served three course meal is followed by a guest speaker and Q&A; our speakers cover everything from music to genealogy, book authors and fascinating history. Details are in the weekly email, and booking through the office by the previous Friday, please.

Our Care Team

The Care Team at TLSE is a group of volunteers who aim to provide support and care to members in need. We stay in regular touch and aim to be there in times of hospitalisation, Illness and bereavement. Where possible we help to provide transport for lunch club and work closely with Rabbi Gershon to ensure contact is maintained within the community .


We are always happy to hear from members even just to have a friendly chat !

Maureen Adams 07961 075657

Estelle Leigh 07754 654297

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Rabbinic Pastoral Care

Rabbi Gershon is always available to support or chat to members, both in difficult and happy times. Contact Rabbi Gershon at or via the office

Social and Fundraising

You may not want to come to every service, or sit on a committee – but who doesn’t like a quiz?  Or a walk in the park?  Or a film night?


Our programme is always published in the calendar, and it is highlighted in our weekly email to all members and others on our mailing list.  Come along on your own, with family or with friends – you’re always welcome.


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Singing Group

Our Singing Group rehearse monthly and support synagogue Shabbat services during the year and at High Holydays. Our repertoire includes traditional music as well as modern interpretations (often accompanied by guitar), and we are introducing new music to TLSE drawing on Rabbi Cantor Gershon's rich experience

Chavurah Suppers

On the first Friday night of every month we hold our Chavurah Supper, a "bring and share" supper after the short erev Shabbat service, for all the family. There is always plenty of varied food (non-meat), good company, families from toddlers to over 90's, and a chance to slow down with friends old and new.


The wider community

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Borehamwood Food Bank

TLSE is proud to support the Borehamwood Foodbank. We regularly collect non-perishable foods for those in need, and a number of our members volunteer there regularly


Annual High Holyday Appeal

We collect for three different charities each year as part of our High Holyday Appeal. In 2023 the charities were Resource, the Herona Hospital (Uganda Hospital), and Boys Town Jerusalem. Each month the trustees also make a donation on behalf of members from our Tzedek Fund to international charities in need, for example via World Jewish Relief.

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Mitzvah Day

Sunday Hub lead TLSE's contribution to Mitzvah Day each year. It's a great way of starting our young people on a lifetime of volunteering


Elstree High Street




020 8953 8889

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2023© The Liberal Synagogue Elstree

Registered charity no. 1182920

Founded 1969

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